For CP and OM Sunday Only....
Good Morning.... I want you to answer the following questions without looking or opening your notes and handouts.
1. how important is the Mail Merge document?
2. Briefly discuss the steps of creating table of contents?
3. How to insert caption and Cross Reference?
4. What are the objects that can be inserted in an Office Application? how to insert them?
5. how to install the printer driver?
6. Discuss circular reference by giving example?
7. What is formula? give example of a function that can be use in a formula?
8. 3 types of chart that can plot two dimenstional table?
9. Is it possible to create documents in MSword without worrying the format? Name two ways? 10. How can you standardized the settings of an Office Application(Word, Excel and powerpoint)?
Note: This is a review, so as much as possible don't open your notes. Just try your best to answer those questions above . After you post your comment, i will let you inform your score.
1. fdfgdgdf
2. gvfhf
answer #1. mail merge document is very important because when we are to send the same letter to so many recipients, simply make use of "MAIL MERGE" for accomplishing such a task as to which entails bountiful repetitions... the same applies with mass mailings...
1. mail merge is important to mass mailing,making invetition.
2. creating table of contents is highlight first,click the first page,update table of contents,update intire table and ok.
3.insert-reference-caption-insert page insert cross reference.
1.mail merge is infortant subsistuting in document and diferent text and database.
1. mail merge document is very important because when we are to send the same letter to so many recipients, simply make use of "MAIL MERGE" for accomplishing such a task as to which entails bountiful repetitions... the same applies with mass mailings...
Ans.# 1: mail merge is very important because when we are going to send or make a letter to so many recipients, we simply make use of "MAIL MERGE" for making us easily to accomplished our jobs...also used for mailing reports...
2. highlight first,click the first page,update table of contents,update intire table and ok.
answer #2. click view ---> select toolbars ---> check the outlining toolbar.
type anything on the pages you want to type on ---> designate its levels ---> click insert ---> select reference ---> choose index and tables ---> click the table of contents tab in the dialog box ---> select the levels applied in the document on the "show levels" combo box ---> click "ok".
1. mail merge is very important when you are making certificates in an easy way especially if you have many recipient.
1. mail merge is important in a document because we can use it in sending the same letter in defferrent recipients...or mas mailing..
4. object can be inserted at the application are picture,wordart,clip art.And how to insert is click the insert menu select picture-from file-insert.
1.mail merge document-is very important,because it is a function of some software that produces multipli instances of a document by substituting different text string from a database in place of certain field markers.
1.mail merge is important bec.they are same letter to any recipients,only hve to do is,just make sure if u want to accomplishing in which mass miling are same applies with mass mailing.
2.creating table of contents,is highlight first,click the first page,update table of contents,update intire table and ok.
Ans.# 2: first, simply go to "INSERT TAB" then, reference/ select index and table, the dialog box appear, select the Table of Contents.
5. install the printer-click start-settings-printers and faxes-the dialog box appear-rightclick add printer.
1.the infortant of mail merger is a fuction of some word processing that produce by subtituting deffent text from a database this is done by envelop,resume,spam etc.
3.the cross refefence,this insert the picture,insert caption two cross reference.
2.First open the winword then click insert,then click reference,and click the word index & table.Then the dialog box out,click table of contents and click ok to finish your work.
2. type anything you want on a pages...
view outlining toolbar..
identify the levels..
click insert menu.. select references...index and tables..set ye no.of levels then OK
3. You can create a cross-reference only to an item that is in the same document as the cross-reference. To cross-reference an item in another document, you need to first combine the documents into a master document (master document.
#9. yes a. existing template
b. wizard the MW-then type-insert reference -design level- show index reference- click table of contents in dialog box- show level- ok.
1.mail merge is very important because it is the fastest way in sending a messagae to the recepient
1. MAIL MERGE is very important in creating a certificate, envelop, and other mailing documents. because by using MAIL MERGE it makes your work fast. you can simply merge your old document to a new one without changing the format.
2. to create a table of contents type the word you want to import on the table of contents.example chapter 1...highlight then select the style on the standard menu bar..after that go to insert menu select the reference then index and tables. then, select the tab that named TABLE OF CONTENTS. then in show levels select how many levels you want to import.then click ok. insert caption and cross reference. first, type example: COMPUTER and highlight that word then select style on the standard menu bar. example is HEADING 1..then go to insert menu select reference then caption then click ok.
IN CROSS reference same procedure at the above.but no need to use the caption.instead of caption insert the CROSS REFERENCE.
answer #3. to insert caption:
click insert ---> select reference ---> choose caption ---> make a label of the object that needs a caption ---> click "ok".
to insert cross-reference:
click insert ---> select reference ---> choose cross-reference ---> make a label on the object or statements that are referred to ---> click insert
2.for creating table contents is very easily. type any word on that page then select the index table and applied in the ok.
1. mail merge is very important document becouse it is esay to send a same letter or envetion to many recipient or called mas mailing.
1. The important of Mail merge Its substitute different text stringsfrom a database in place of certain field marker.In the same program form we can substitute it to every person who belongs that particular program. insert reference...caption then OK
click insert reference type..OK
insert-then reference-caption-insert caption- click OK.
Insert-then reference- cross reference- choose reference type- OK.
3.To insert the caption and cross reference, is click insert then click reference,and caption in the caption you can say it if what you want.ex.fegure 1 you select it figure.And in cross reference is the reference type.ex.heading.
1.very important...because mail merge used to create and print letters and other document.
2.In MS word click insert in the menu bar choose reference then choose index and capnotes and click table of contents and OK.If finish already in heading settings.
3.In document if have already Picture for example just click insert in menu bar choose reference and click caption then write caption for example Figure 1 then OK.In Cross reference when u already have caption just click reference then choose cross reference then select Figure and OK.
4.The objects can be inserted in office documents are pictures,video clip bitmap,adobe photoshop image,MS Excel doc.,powerpoint slide,chart,web sound,Flash document and others.Just click insert in menu bar then click object then select what u want to insert then Ok.
5.Go to start menu select setting then choose printer and faxes click "add a printer" then install.
6.Circular reference is a series of formula that refers back to its own cells.
7. Formula a key to solve a problem with variables .By formula no need to add or used calculator.
8.column chart,bar chart and pie chart.
2. click the view menu,select the toolbar,selecty outlining toolbar.then type anything then on the page on the designated levels,click insert select reference,show index table, click table of contents select levelsapplied in the document click ok.
answer #4. the objects that can be inserted in an office application are: picture, diagram, textbox, object, file and so on... and in inserting them, simply click on the insert menu ---> and select the following: picture-if you want to insert a picture; diagram-if you want to insert a diagram and so on...
2.the step of by creating table of the toolbar,click outlining......type anthing pnthe page,then put the desinated level,click insert,select reference,choose index and table, then dailog bax will appear,ok
3.insert caption and cross reperence,ist highlight the given word and then select the menu bar
=for insert cross reference,higlight the given word then select standard menu bar,select the style then click ok.
answer #5. to install a printer driver:
start ---> settings ---> printers and faxes ---> add a printer
1.mail merge document,One file is easier for us to store, easier for us to send to someone else and best of all, ePrint does it all...easily!
2.creating taBLE OF CONTENTS
Word has a feature that will generate a table of contents for your document. However, you must format your chapter or section headings with certain "heading styles" that Word uses to determine the text for the table of contents entry, as well as the page number where that section or chapter begins. To mark a chapter or section heading so it will appear in your table of contents:
Select the chapter or section heading.
Choose Heading 1 from the Styles list on the Formatting toolbar. For subheadings, choose Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.
When you have finished typing your document, you can generate your table of contents:
Place the cursor where you want to insert the table of contents.
Select Insert from the Format menu, then choose Index and Tables.
Select Table of Contents tab, then and select the style you want.
Choose OK to insert the table of contents into your document.
3.TO INSERT caption and cross reference is
1.mail merge document,One file is easier for us to store, easier for us to send to someone else and best of all, ePrint does it all...easily!
2.creating taBLE OF CONTENTS
Word has a feature that will generate a table of contents for your document. However, you must format your chapter or section headings with certain "heading styles" that Word uses to determine the text for the table of contents entry, as well as the page number where that section or chapter begins. To mark a chapter or section heading so it will appear in your table of contents:
Select the chapter or section heading.
Choose Heading 1 from the Styles list on the Formatting toolbar. For subheadings, choose Heading 2, Heading 3, etc.
When you have finished typing your document, you can generate your table of contents:
Place the cursor where you want to insert the table of contents.
Select Insert from the Format menu, then choose Index and Tables.
Select Table of Contents tab, then and select the style you want.
Choose OK to insert the table of contents into your document.
3.TO INSERT caption and cross reference is
2.view menu bar,select toolbar,check outlinening,click reference,insert table of content.
4.The objects that can be inserted in an office application are the ff:
*word arts
...use insert menu in inserting those objects...hehehe
4.object that can be inserted in the office word art, picture-from file. clip art, to insert allof that just popen the document and then click ok.
4.the object can be inserted the application,picture,and worldart, to insert an this picture clik the insert and menu select the picture-from file insert.
4. the object that can be inserted in office application are:
ms excel
ms powerpoint
and etc.
answer #6. circular reference happens when a formula refers back to its own cell.
example of it is:
you are writing a formula in cell A13:
3. click insert, select reference, fig. 1
5.clicl file-print-select toolbar-click printer icon-copy and paste highlight the text right click select print
4. table, chart, diagram, picture from file and new, organization chart, clip art.
click insert- then OK. the menu bar click insert,then select reference,then click caption or cross reference.
answer #7. formula is used in calculating an expression.
examples of functions that can be used in a formula are: =min; =max; =sum; =product...
answer #8. the three types of chart that can plot two dimensional table are bar chart, line chart, column chart.
8.line chart,color chart, colunm chart
Ans.# 3: click Insert, reference then select caption, then, the dialog box appear..
Note: It is best use for images, clip arts, and templates...
FOR CROSS REFERENCE: click Insert, then reference, select Cross Reference, then the dialog box
appear.then chose what you want to apply..Ex. "HEADING"
Ans.# 4: As many as you can..Such as: clip arts, chart, diagram, organizational chart,images, object from file, word doc, presentation, worksheet...
....For object:, go to insert bar,
select object then, dialog box appear/if you want to create your own signature, you just select the Bitmap... is very important. because using mail merge it is the way to fast the work activities. Like for example to creat envelopes,resumes,graduation cetificate.
2.first click insert menu,then reference,then click index and tables,click table of contents, then click OK.
3.Insert caption!First click insert menu,then reference,click caption,then click OK.Insert cross-reference!First click insert menu, then reference,click cross-referece,then click insert.
fist click insert menu,then object, then select object what you want to insert, then click OK.
5.First click the start menu,then settings,then click priters and faxes,then click add a printer,then OK.
6.Circular Reference it happens wnen a formula refers back to its own cell.example:
7.Formula is a key to solve on equation with variables.
example: =A1+A2
9.Yes! existing template,wizard.
10.First rigt name in MSword,then click the file menu,then click save as,then local disk C,then click program files click open,then click MS office click open,then
1. mail merge is very important document becouse it is esay to send a same letter or envetion to many recipient or called mas mailing.
5.go to start menu select setting then choose printer and faxes click "add a printer"then install
6. CIRCULAR REFERENCE...A circular reference, sometimes referred to as a run-around, is a series of references where the last object references the first, thus causing the whole series of references to be unusable.
For example:
Function A, will show the time the sun last set based on the current date. Function B will calculate the date based on the number of times the moon has orbited the earth since the last time Function B was called. So, Function B asks Function C just how many times that is. Function C doesn't know, but can figure it out given -- you guessed it -- the time the sun last set.
ans.#7.An equation or epression
In spreadsheet application, a formula is a expression that defines how one cell rates to other cell. For example you might defines cell C5 (column C,row5 with the formula.
Which means to multiply the value in cell A4 by the value in cell D7
ans.# 10. to standardized the setting of an office application( word, exce and powerpoint.
you can insert:
1 sounds
3.effects & animation
and diagram
then click: save as, template, blank, then save
ans.# 10. to standardized the setting of an office application( word, exce and powerpoint.
you can insert:
1 sounds
3.effects & animation
and diagram
then click: save as, template, blank, then save
Yes because you use the
1. Existing templates
2. wizzards add the printer,
first click start menu bar select setting, then click the printet and faxes, then double click the add printer, click next, next, select the option the discribes the printer you want to use,click nex, next, then last click finish
A circular reference, sometimes referred to as a run-around, is a series of references where the last object references the first, thus causing the whole series of references to be unusable.
Often, improperly planned business support will result in a circular reference. This is known as a run-around.
for example:
Alice needs to return her washing machine – it's defective and she needs it working. She is instructed by Bob of customer service to report to Carol of Returns and Exchanges for the requested service. Carol, however, tells Alice to report to David. David tells Alice to talk to Bob.
The entire set of references is now worthless because none of them can satisfy Alice's request; they have been told to refer to someone else.
6.example of circular reference:
7. example for formula
9.yes its possible by templates and wizard. standardized settings in MS word go to file then choose save as file name book then click local disk c: select program file then click MS office click office 11 and click start then click save.
For MS excel same way with MS word but file name is different.
For powerpoint after applying design go to file click save as go to template then file name blank then save.
7. Formula- allow you to perform calculations on data entered into your spreadsheets.
==MIN(A3:B3) and etc.
8. 3 types of chart that can plot two dimenstional table?
I guess...column, bar and area chart
9. ANS..YES, 1st, by saving the application as document template type. 2nd, click the format menu then select the font and change the format you want then click default tab. standardized the setting of MSWORD open an MSWORD then click the file menu then select NEW, Then, Click the GENERAL TEMPLATES on the task pane area. after that, select the GENERAL TAB. below have an selection which are: blank document, web page and email message. Right Click the blank document then properties and copy the location. after that, click the FILE MENU then select open. paste the location of a blank document on the FILENAME AREA then click open. CHANGE the format you want after that save as BLANK DOCUMENT as a filename then CLICK SAVE to overwrite the previous settings of the document.
For the MS EXCEL, if you are now in MS EXCEL environment, click the file menu, select save as put a filename.. for example: book1 then save type as template format. After that, choose GENERAL TEMPLATES on the task pane area. Then you see your file name book1 appears on the GENERAL tab. Right click that file name then select properties and copy the location. After that, click the file menu. Then select open and paste it on the filename area. Then click open. And then, change the format you want then SAVE AS BOOK1 so that the previous format will be overwritten. And then click SAVE.
For the MS POWERPOINT, change the format you want then click the file menu select save as. Then save as type design template. Below the template if you can see BLANK PRESENTATION. So, your file name also is BLANK PRESENTATION. To overwrite the previous format of the file. Then click SAVE the standard toolbar, click the printer icon to show.
-highlights the text, right click and select the print.
-file then print
-copy paste
6.circular reference, when a formula refers back to it's own cell.
-to trace a worksheet....
just locate he statues bar has a circular reference.
8.the 3 types of chart that can be
plot two dimenstional table are the, line, bar, and the column.
-existing template
10.format presentaion
-save as
same as to word excel and powerpoint.
7. a formula is a key to know the correct answer even without using the calculator.
2).The steps of creating Table of Contents are open msword first, and type the documents. After all select text from your document by highlighting the word/s then set the outline level of the selected text: heading 1, Level 1, Etc.Then goes to insert option click the reference then index & tables then click the table of contents.
3).Inserting the caption and Cross Reference by opening first the msword then go to insert then caption click ok, after all insert picture used break enter many times then in the last page go to insert again then reference then click the cross reference then write see figure 1 lastly press control button together W/ the mouse. The object in the first page will appear the last page.
4).The objects are the picture/image, text Box, clip Art, Word Art, Chart, video Clip, Media clip, Bitmap image, Slides, Shapes, Diagram, Files, Worksheet we can insert it by going the insert button the click insert then select if it is chart, Clip Art, Auto shapes, word Art, or you can used the other way insert button then object then select if it is Bitmap image, worksheet and etc.
5).To install Printer first goes to start then Settings then printer and faxes then add printer.
6).Example of circular reference if the formula is =200+H2 and this formula under the H2 cell it can be caused Circular Reference in the way of pointing its own cell and it’s directly or indirectly through a chain of references.
7).Formula is a key to solve an equation w/ Variables and it’s describes a calculation, such as addition, multiplication, and etc, to be performed on two or more variables usually a text string containing cell references.
8).The three types of chart that can be plot int0 two dimensional tables are the bar, lines, and the column.
9).Yes. It is possible to create a document in msword w/o worrying its formats I shared two ways:
First, type all documents then when its finished right click the cursor and click the font then the environments of font appear then set the font size, font color, font style, character spacing text effects, underline style and etc..otherwise you can used paragraph, bullets and numbering.
2nd,when the documents was typed already highlights the finished documents then go to format menu then click it then select weather font, border and shading,paragraph,Reveal Format, styles and formatting.
So we don’t need to worry the format of our documents.
10).In Microsoft Document standardized first open new file then go to on my computer then right click the blank document then go to properties then copy the location then cancel then cancel then open then paste the URL on the filename then at the last word of the URL write / open then write the word that you wanted to appear in every open a word document then lastly save it.
In Microsoft Excel standardized type the word that you want go to file then saves as change micro office workbook into templates then local disk C click program files then enter go to Microsoft office enter office11 enter exstart enter book then save.
In Microsoft PowerPoint standardized put slides you wanted to appear when you open MsPowerPoint then file go to save then change presentation into design template then click new blank then save. insert caption and croos reference first the insert menu, select refence,caption,the dialog box will click ok.for the cross reference the dialog
Will affair, click the reference, cross reference the dialog will affair then choose want your reference tye,0k.
4. picture,shape,clip art, to insert is click insert menu, picture ,if u are fish to choose it. click ok. install the printer click start,settings,printer and faxes, add printer.
6.circular reference it is happen when the formula refers back to its owns cell and also refer one cell has reference that directly or indirectly through a chain of reference. solve the equation with variable.ex.B1+B2.
8.the 3 type of chart that can plot to dimensional o table are culomn,bar,line,pie.
9.Yes. It is possible,.
10.In Microsoft Document standardized first open new file then go to on my computer then right click the blank document then go to properties then copy the location then cancel then cancel then open then paste the URL on the filename then at the last word of the URL write / open then write the word that you wanted to appear in every open a In Microsoft Document standardized first open new file then go to on my computer then right click the blank document then go to properties then copy the location then cancel then cancel then open then paste the URL on the filename then at the last word of the URL write / open then write the word that you wanted to appear in every open a word document then lastly save it.
In Microsoft Excel standardized type the word that you want go to file then saves as change micro office workbook into templates then local disk C click program files then enter go to Microsoft office enter office11 enter exstart enter book then save.
In Microsoft PowerPoint standardized put slides you wanted to appear when you open MsPowerPoint then file go to save then change presentation into design template then click new blank then save.
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