Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sunday College Prelim Exam (BCC)

Good afternoon everyone

Answer the given questions on the paper provider for you...

Believe you can do a thing..... Good Luck!

-R. C-

A. Identification

1. a computer that can perform all of its input, processing, output and storage activities by itself.
2. a computer that can carry from place to place.
3. special type of computer that function as a component of a large product.
4. consists of instruction that tells the computer what to do and how to do it.
5. is a miniature image that represents a program.
6. a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among computer hardwire devices.
7. consists of programs that control or maintain the operations of the computer.
8. a component that user can touch.
9. is a collection of unprocessed items which include text, numbers, images, audio and video.
10. having a knowledge and understanding of computers and their uses.
11. it conveys meaning and useful to people.
12. the series of input, process, output and storage activities.
13. consists of programs designed to make the users more productive and assist them with their personal tasks.
14. skilled workers in the field of Information Technology.
15. the fastest , more powerful and most expensive computer that can process 1 trillion instructions in a second.
16. is the case that contains the electronic components of the computer.
17. the brain of the computer.
18. the main circuit board of the system unit.
19. it directs and coordinates most of the operations in the computer.
20. consists of electronic components that store instruction waiting to be executed by the processor.
21. which means the computer automatically can configure Adapter cards and other peripherals as you install them.
22. enhances the sound generating capabilities of the computer.
23. is a jocket on the mother board that can hold an adapter card.
24. it performs the arithmetic, comparison and logical operations in the computer.
25. is the point at which a peripheral attaches to a system unit.

B. Enumeration

1. Elements of Computer System
2. 5 Example of an application software
3. 2 Types of software
4. Give and Discuss the Advantages of using computer.
5. Give and Discuss the Dis-advantages of using computer.
6. Give the 6 categories of computer
7. 3 example of input devices
8. 3 example of output devices
9. 3 example of storage devices.
10. 2 types of memory.

C. Discussion.

1. Garbage In Garbage Out? 10 points.
2. Enumerate five important people and their contributions in the IT WORLD.
3. Differentiate RAM from ROM.
4. What is a computer.
5. Say something about your expectation on : Instructor and Subject. ( Optional)